Tuesday, June 26, 2007

AWAZ [a walk towards azad zindagi].

AWAZ represents a student’s initiative on awareness about Right to Information and other legal rights, consisting of members from the Faculty of Law, Delhi University. It is a result of realization of the conspicuous absence of a positive pressure group and at the same time feeling that the need of the hour is to fulfill our duty towards our community and particularly Nation as a whole. This social group is not an end within itself but rather beginning to bring change in the system through legal, polite, soft and stern means. It seeks to resolve some core issues of students related administrative inefficiencies and malfunctioning, by way of workshops, seminars and talks to educate them on the procedures to be adopted. Remember ‘TO KNOW’ is a duty rather than a right.

The inspiration to form ‘AWAZ’ was gathered from the encouraging words of Ms. Kiran Bedi and Magasaysay Award winner Mr. Arvind Kejriwal in the talk organised by ‘JOSH’, a voluntary organization working on RTI rights in Delhi and all over the country.

We, a bunch of few like minded students formed AWAZ, to give some kindda concrete shape to our flowing ideas. At AWAZ, we filed RTI applications ( managed around 50 or more), organized workshop ( quite low turn-up), seminar ( hall full of listeners along with lot of faculty members) and also conducted an application writing contest( though not very successful, but we had 2 winners!). At the end of the first session of AWAZ, we came up with a journal called THE AWAZ TIMES ( …..me being the broken editor), the reviews on which I happened to miss due to it being our preparatory leave……but heard a lotta good things about it…(not boastin!..). Wish a good luck to our successors( as I can say) to carry the movement forward.



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